At its AGM on 14 December, the National Secular Society (NSS) voted by the requisite 75%majority (by possibly only one vote) to delete from its constitution the following:-
The NSS asserts that there is no rational basis for belief in god(s). It affirms that this life is the only one of which we have any knowledge and human effort should be directed wholly towards its improvement.
Keith P Wood (Executive Director),Terry Sanderson (President), Afonso Reis e Sousa (AGM Chair) and all but one of their Council (Dan Bye) argued that in international forums, their argument that a state’s laws should not be biased by religion would be fatally impaired if it became known that the above wording was one of the NSS’s constitution. The NSS believed it needed to be completely free of any taint of being anti-religious, which it now is.
This now leaves the field clearer for ATHEISM UK as one of the few, if not the only, national organisations campaigning against religion.